Our Mission

StaRxCare Solutions is primarily a Medication Outcomes Solutions Center. We are transforming health care by reconfiguring, redefining, and revolutionizing pharmacotherapeutic services, resulting in desirable health care outcomes. In addition to clinical & medication-related services, we leverage our skills and expertise to optimize health outcomes by integrating other innovative services and means (e.g., chronic condition management {CCM}, remote patient monitoring {RPM}, Behavioral Health Integration, etc.). The resultant effect is that medication and health concerns are resolved or ameliorated, patients, partners and plans experience top-rated satisfaction and goal-attainment, and health care costs are reduced across a continuum of beneficiaries (i.e., patients, payors & providers). All these are achieved through strategic, ground-breaking innovation.
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Philosophy, Values and Vision

Our greatest values are our assets, and our greatest assets are our people - the individuals we serve, partner and form communities with. That means our patients, partnering organizations through whom we form therapeutic relationships and for whom we expend our resources for improved outcomes, and our colleagues/internal community who add joy, depth and camaraderie to our journey to success.

We firmly believe that the most sustainable health care reforms are made when people remain the driving force behind all we do. Closely encompassing this core philosophy are uncompromising principles by which we abide. We are driven by the following company-defining values: Integrity, indefatigability, incisiveness, innovation, and a burning desire to impact our world by optimally and quantifiably improving the lives of those we serve.

Our vision is to be the top-rated, unequivocally trusted, globally recognized data-driven pharmacotherapy solution-center. We plan to redefine the paradigm of health care solutions by becoming the trailblazing standard in medication-related outcomes.

Our Goals

We aim to reduce remediable medication and healthcare related expenses by 30% in the first year of partnership with individuals and organizations. We have achieved this repeatedly and are confident this will continue to be our trademark.

In achieving this, we also aim to:
~ Optimize medication-related outcomes in the patients we serve
~ Appreciably reduce the long-term medication and healthcare related expenses of all the organizations we partner with
~ Achieve outstanding satisfaction ratings with all the populations we serve
~ Demonstrate excellence, efficiency and innovation in all our operations
~ Be irrefutably endorsed as the top-rated, unequivocally trusted, globally recognized data-driven pharmacotherapy solution-center
~ Globally promulgate clinical pharmacy as a medically indispensable, highly rated, expertise-driven, value-adding, resolution-oriented, widely sought and financially rewarding profession


We aim to reduce remediable medication and healthcare related expenses by 30% in the first year of partnership with individuals and organizations. We have achieved this repeatedly and are confident this will continue to be our trademark. In achieving this, we partner with:

~ Individuals (including the elderly) and other entities who desire optimized health and medication outcomes, outstanding medication-related services, and medication-supported longevity for themselves, loved ones and/or employees.
~ Adults 65 and older living at home or in communities such as Adult Family Homes, Assisted Living/Skilled Nursing Facilities, etc.
~ The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Health plans, employer groups and other payors desiring to optimize Returns-On-Investments, CMS Outcome Measures, and national industry ratings, as well as to distinguish themselves in medication-related and other health outcomes.
~ Management Services Organizations (MSOs), Physician Groups, Medical Homes and other organizations contracted on value-based terms.
~ Private Individuals/Payors/Institutions
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