Our Cutting
Edge Advantages

Our unwavering commitment to our patients and partners, demonstrated excellence, innovation, clinical expertise and evidence-based, empathy-directed superlative care with proven outcomes distinguish us as the premiere medication outcomes-focused company with which to partner for the achievement of medication-related health care goals. Our partners (individuals or groups) enjoy the following unique benefits.

Niche Areas

We leverage Board Certified Pharmacists and Specialty Care Medical Services to enable superior care at the primary level, facilitating therapeutic recovery or notable improvements in patients with previous histories of poor outcomes.
Women’s Health

Therapeutic Relationship-Building

Our multifaceted partnerships prioritize patient needs and partner goals, thereby leading to   optimized satisfaction and outcomes. for all parties

Pharmacy Concierge Technician Leverage

Our highly-trained and regionally certified pharmacy technicians provide a number of pharmacy-concierge & navigation services that bolster therapeutic relationships, enhance alliances, and improve patient satisfaction overall.

After-Hours Provider Visits

Prompt medical attention helps to prevent deteriorating conditions, Emergency Room & Urgent Care visits, and higher health care costs, while facilitating provider collaboration (StaRxCare Providers, PCP & Specialists) & relationship-building for improved outcomes .

Medication/Health Education

Knowledge is power and key to optimizing health care outcomes at every point of care. We offer a variety of customizable Leadership, Medication, Motivational, Disease Management and Best Practices Training to individuals, organizations and regions alike via educational modules, an online academy and in-person presentations.

Data-Predictive  Partnership Advantage

Leveraging data predictive models through strategic partnerships positions & empowers us to identify patients and populations who are at high risk for specific negative health outcomes. This in turn allows  timely medical interventions which preventent those negative occurrences and improve health care trajectories.